Chaplain TIG
Intergalactic Senior Executive Head of Creature Services @ quietlyworking.org
Work Hard | Enjoy Life | Help Others

On March 25th, 2013 I Died…
CBS Interview

My Life in 10 Seconds
Born with bum ticker
Christian elementary school
Raised amidst domestic abuse
8 year custody battle
Mom tried to kill me
Lived homeless in a tree for 2 years
Air Force academy failure
Met wife
Reconnected with God
Dropped out of college
Job to job
Started ad agency
Started non profit
A ton of mistakes
Open heart surgery
and now I live

Who Am I
Servant of God
Husband to one
Father to three
Papa to two
Friend to many

Core Operating Principles
1. Love folks like they’ve never been loved before.
2. Come along side so they know they’re not alone.
3. Help them see hope for a better future.
4. Help them discover their purpose.
5. Help them build it.
6. Help them live it.
7. Help them create a legacy that lives beyond them.

My Life’s Mission
I believe my life experiences have forged me into the perfect set of tools to help you succeed.
I’m alive to:
1. Help you discover your life’s purpose.
2. Empower you to build and live a life of significance that supports your life’s purpose.
3. Help you to develop your life’s work into a legacy impacting generations.

My Weaknesses
For the sake of the reader’s time, I’ll just select a few
My short term memory, which has only gotten worse since I died.
Fear of heights
Tend to overcommit
Messy packrat
Obviously, I could go on…
My big dream is to build a self-sustaining ecosystem of hope and empowerment before I die.

My big dream is to build a self-sustaining ecosystem of hope and empowerment before I die.
Here’s a sketched map of the workings as I envisioned them in 2016…

Which was overly complicated and really confusing!
I learned that Bill Gates was right when he said,
“Most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years.”
So I’m focused on these six primary efforts to get us self-sufficient by 2030.

The Quietly Working creative department is tasked with supporting the foundation’s creative needs as well as the ongoing development of the Missing Pixel students.

The Missing Pixel Project’s mission is to bring creative technical training, paired with mentorship, to underserved youth.

We are Non-Political, Non-Denominational, Non-Profit, and serve the young men and women who have lost a parent in the US Military and First Responders.
In 2000 we got our start as Children of Fallen Soldiers, and in 2013 began rebranding to America’s Children of Fallen Heroes in order to better include the families of our fallen firefighters and law enforcement.

The IYSR serves other Youth Service Orgs (YSOs) because we are better together.
Our mission is to provide connection, support, training, and highlight exceptional examples of service within the worldwide YSO community.

Many orgs ask us how we do more with less.
They want to know what solutions we have found, the vendors who excel in their support of nonprofits, and the tools we use to provide our services.
This site will be where we post our interviews, reviews, and free training classes.

This is our lifestyle brand.
100% of profits go directly to our nonprofit efforts.